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Jan 26, 2018

Martin Ax joins us from the RPA & AI BFSI Summit to urge his colleagues not to get too caught up in how many bots are working. He feels that the focus should be on how good you are at developing automation, how much benefit are you receiving and ensuring its part of an overall strategy. Automation can be a journey to...

Jan 19, 2018

Vice President IT, for DVB Bank, Ingo Zimny joins us from the RPA & AI BFSI Summit where he shares that providing solutions is not the only thing that his group does. They design those solutions and design the processes behind the solutions. Ingo and the team like to challenge the way things are done. They try to...

Jan 12, 2018

Charles Mulinder joins us from the RPA & AI BFSI Summit in London where he shares that he’s originally South African, spent a good portion of his life in the UK and currently lives in Zurich, Switzerland. He’s worked within the financial services industry for 20 years and he notes that it turns out that while there...

Jan 5, 2018

Program Manager for the Robotics Centre of Excellence at Danske Bank, Nick Burgess joins us from the RPA & AI BFSI Summit in London. He shares that he’s been in the space for 10 years. Back in the day it wasn’t called robotics as Nick says that’s a term that’s been coined only over the past few years. He notes...