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May 25, 2018

The inimitable Tony Saldanha who might be best known as Procter & Gamble’s VP of IT & Global Business Services joins us and shares that his job title means that he’s the leader of next generation services. His goal is to come up with disruptive information technology products that will be used by global GBS units...

May 18, 2018

On change management, Lee Coulter returns, "over the last couple of years, we have been making a real study of where is the barrier and where are we receiving passive-aggressive behavior as opposed to outright rejection behavior. What should not be a surprise or fascinating, but is both surprising and fascinating is all...

May 11, 2018

Anthony Ryan joins us to give us the state of affairs: "Our company is going through a planned transformation where all those systems that are being re-keyed are going to be amalgamated and there's a new sort of N10 strategy and a lot of companies are going through these big transformations, but it's 18 months away,...

May 4, 2018

On succeeding and failing quickly, Martin Ruane, "I think it's all the intelligence and experience that you gather over time, often by sometimes making the wrong direction and making some mistakes, learning from them and doing things differently. Or sometimes doing the right thing, and actually it's been reinforced by...