On the focus of the organization and what kind of talent for
which they’re, Executive Director of Macquarie Group, Glen Skarrot
is focused on finding “efficiency through relentless automation
[which] should see us achieve some really hefty goals in relation
to providing the business at the right price.” He notes that there
will be changes in the talent for the enterprise and that the
organization wants "people that are happy and looking for change.
We want people that are asking questions and are curious. We don’t
want people coming in and just doing a process.” And the company is
open-minded itself, “we're very focused on diversity. Not only our
gender diversity, but also diversity of the skill sets that our
people have. So, actually bringing in people with IT skills, into
finance, bringing in people with certain data skills, data
scientists, mathematicians, those different skill sets also bring
in a different way of looking at things, which is really helpful
when we're coming to think about problems that we have."